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Use the Toodledo "status" field

One of the missing Toodledo fields that is CRITICAL for GTD is the status field. This lets you tag actions as "next actions".

Rob , 04.03.2012, 17:24
Idea status: under consideration


Roel, 28.02.2014, 06:59
I created a project _@next action, to solve this. Works fine, together with the projects _@later/maybe and _@waiting for
maria, 03.10.2014, 11:57
I'm new to trying the "lite" version of the app. Can one task be in two different projects? I've been told that Toodledo folders will sync to the Projects tab. If this is the case, then can you have a task with an assigned Folder/Project AND an assigned Status/Project? Like a "next action" and "vacation" at the same time? I have several folders in Toodledo, and use them to separate my many interests/roles/responsibilities in life.
maria, 03.10.2014, 12:26
Just got a response that only one project per task, but was suggested to use "tags" to indicate status, as multiple tags can be used per task. So, if you use project to indicate other facets of a task (work/hobby/vaca/etc), then use "Tags" to indicate status (next action, on hold, waiting, someday, etc)
Andy_G, 02.11.2016, 16:06
Why not just add the field. You basically have 90%, go for 100%. Take a look at some of your competitors and you'll see that they have status. Please make this happen! Thank you!
Fred, 08.09.2018, 07:51
Without status, sync with toodledo is not complete. Please add it as a field to make the app a real gtd app.

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