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Duplicate projects (or create project templates)

there's one thing i would LOVE to be able to do: duplicating projects (including all tasks in that project).

i have a recurring project that has 23 individual steps (todos) before completion. so far, i've written down the 23 todos in a text file on my laptop, and everytime this project comes up i type them all into aa by hand. it's doable, but annoying.

it would be really nice if i could have a project named "my big fat project - template" (for example) in my projects list, and every time i need to do this job i could just make a fresh copy of this project and its task instead of typing everything in.

Jordi , 03.02.2013, 11:58
Idea status: under consideration


Maria, 06.02.2016, 04:31
Sometimes I would like to just duplicate a task. For instance, I need to mail a package. I have "Mail Package" under a project called errands. But before I can mail the package I should get the box and address sticker ready with the item to be sent before I go to the post office. I would like to duplicate "Mail Package" in my Errands project by touching and holding that task. Then swipe it on over to projects where I drop it into a different project, "Home", that is where my home tasks are. I know "Mail Package" means get it ready for mailing.

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